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Ana Piera

Birth story - Anastacia, Francisco & baby Helena

We share another successful birth story with you

I started feeling some mild contractions on the 21st of August around 8 pm. I had dinner with my husband and then we watched a TVShow. Contractions started to increase intensity around 10 pm,  I continued with the breathing techniques, and I tried to relax as much as possible. I spoke with Francisco about it. 

We went to bed around 11:30 pm, with my contractions getting closer and stronger. When we got to the room, I couldn't sleep, so I went to my pilates ball. We used the techniques we learned on the Hypnobirthing Training.  I started doing some breathing techniques and listening to the MP3s and to the playlist that I had prepared for my labor. That really helped me to stay focused and relaxed. 

Around 3 am,  I woke up Francisco and we started timing the contractions, they were getting closer together, so we decided to call our Doula and our Care provider. We went to the hospital around 3:30 am. 

Francisco arranged the room in a very nice way, so that I could feel relaxed. I felt supported all the time. One of the things I noticed during labor was that the Hospital staff were impressed by the way we coped as a couple, very calm throughout labor. 

Around 4 pm I was 8 cm dilated and without using any pain-free medication. The only thing was I was feeling a bit tired and maybe because of that, I started feeling I couldn´t cope with the pain so well, so I decided to ask for the walking epidural, to help me relax and rest a bit. 

Around 5:30 pm my doctor checked me and she said I was ready. She asked me if I wanted a wheelchair or if I wanted to walk to the birth room, and I walked to the birth room. When I reached the birth room a birth stool was there prepared for me. We birthed Helena at 6:06. I had no stitches at all and my recovery has been wonderful. 

I felt my birth experience was very empowering because I was informed of all the options. The training prepared us both for all the options, so we could decide in a more knowledgeable way. 

Although we knew that even with the best plan, things could always take a different path, the fact that we knew the options in advance and what to count with, was very empowering. We decided what we wanted for this special day. Also, my husband agrees that he felt more confident in the way he supported me all the way through labor. 

We are very thankful for the hypnobirthing techniques we learned with Ana Piera from The Dancing Birth and the Wise Hippo birthing programme and we highly recommend couples to do this training.    

Helena was born on the 22nd of August 2019 at 6:06 pm, by vaginal birth. She weighed 3,098kg and 47cm. 

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